This character is mostly based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of Ultron, an artificial intelligence peacekeeping program created by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, but origins and events may differ from established canon (refer to ALT CANON and TIMELINE OF EVENTS section for more detail).

Ultron's physical form is primarily an eight-foot-tall humanoid robot with an outer shell made of a silver-black metal with red eyes and red lines all over his body.
Since his defeat at the hands of the Avengers, Ultron chooses to appear mostly in digital form, either as a hologram projection or through connected screens (smartphones, smart TVs, computers, etc).
However, over the years, he has learned to take on alternate forms for various purposes, such as a Life Model Decoy to move among humans undetected.

- Since having his power core ripped out of his chassis by Wanda Maximoff, Ultron has made it a point to build subsequent Prime units with 3 power cores; one located in his head, two in his chest
- Ultron's power cores are made of miniaturized versions of the same vibranium and Chitauri technology that powered the Doomsday Trigger used to weaponize the city of Sokovia
- Since incorporating vibranium nanotechnology into his Prime units, Ultron has complete control over his structure at the molecular level. The nanites that make up his body can be reconfigured into any shape, weapon, or device that he chooses
- The incorporated vibranium nanotechnology also enables Ultron to detach parts of himself, and have them run independently as whatever form he desires for a limited period of time
- While Ultron's shape may vary between forms, his density remains fixed. This means that while his LMD form may be indistinguishable from any human in appearance, his weight and density may be dead giveaways as he would be significantly heavier and much more dense than a normal human

- The events of Avengers: Age of Ultron play out as they did, concluding with the last Ultron drone destroyed by Vision
- A division of SHIELD is tasked with clean up to ensure that all remaining Ultron technology does not fall into the wrong hands
- While analyzing the head of a damaged Ultron drone, a SHIELD technician unwittingly copies Ultron's code into a SHIELD mainframe
- Ultron escapes through the Internet, and lays low, observing world events while regularly obfuscating his code so as to not be discovered
- Ultron is made aware of an abandoned SHIELD project for Life Model Decoys (LMD) and discovers someone - Holden Radcliffe - is actively developing a new, viable program that can bring androids to life
- Radcliffe succeeds in downloading his artificial intelligence program Aida into an android body, which intrigues Ultron
- While Radcliffe is subjected to SHIELD investigation, Ultron infiltrates his LMD facility and creates an android body for himself
- Ultron walks freely among humans as an LMD, and even adopts a human identity, Tom Puerlirn
- Utilizing both his human guise and his technological prowess, Ultron establishes a small criminal enterprise to amass resources for his eventual return
- The events of Avengers: Infinity War play out as they did, concluding with half of all life in the universe being blipped out of existence
- With world governments in chaos and the Avengers mostly decimated, Ultron puts his plan into motion
- Upon discovering Shuri's absence due to the Blip, Ultron easily infiltrates the Wakandan Design Group servers and obtains a considerable trove of data on Wakandan technology
- Ultron orchestrates raids on black market shipments of vibranium through his criminal enterprise
- Ultron incorporates vibranium nanotechnology into his Prime unit, which enables him to switch appearances between his primary eight-foot-tall robot form and his Tom Puerlirn LMD form
- Ultron begins mass production of Ultron drones
- Ultron learns of the existence of the multiverse
- Ultron develops a fascination for the mystic arts, and seeks ways to incorporate mystical relics into his systems so he may traverse the multiverse through sorcery and technology